Hymn of the Soul by Desert Rose belongs to their lifestyle music range. It is an album composed and designed to facilitate deep relaxation and theta brainwave state in the listener. One can use the music for meditation, study or to prepare the mind for sleep. The album has been used extensively as music for insomnia and depression as well as music for stress and anxiety. This is possible through the process of entrainment. When the mind is stressed it goes into high Beta state. This is a brainwave state where the brain frequency is fast and the neurons in the brain are firing away. When the brain has been overactive with the demands of modern life it becomes difficult to unwind at the end of the day. It is healthier to use music for insomnia than to reach for a sleeping pill or medication that have far reaching effects on the health. Music has a direct impact on the autonomic nervous system, if the music is written at a certain pace, it calms the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. This in turn, slows down the brainwaves, facilitating deep relaxation and preparing the mind with meditation music.This is the function of Hymn of the Soul. The music is purely instrumental and cyclical. It lulls the mind into relaxation and thus de-stressing the body. When studying, the body needs to be relaxed in order to be able to concentrate and absorb information. If the music has emotional content, the information is absorbed faster and retained for longer. The album, Hymn of the Soul has been written with this knowledge and intention. There is a gentle emotional nurturing that comes through in the harmonies and orchestration. This kind of music for insomnia and depression is becoming more and more in demand as the demands of modern day life increase.
As a result of urban life and stress, it is very difficult to live a life without modern ailments such as stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety. To reach healthy states of deep relaxation, meditation and to feel connected requires effort and time. music for insomnia and depression helps one to reach calmer states faster and to remain in a state of well being for longer. It has become an absolute necessity to use the powerful medium of lifestyle music to minimize the impact of modern day life and pressures, not only for adults but also for children.