Deep Relaxation Volume 1 by Desert Rose can be described as a sound therapy album, whether it is used as healing music for deep relaxation or deep breathing along with the Buddhist 5 elements of deep space, earth, air, fire and water. The tracks on the album were written around the structure of the 5 elements. Each piece of music reflecting the qualities of each element. There are many techniques used for healing and transformation through the five elements. Deep Relaxation Volume 1 can be applied to any one of these techniques. During sound therapy, the autonomic nervous system is directly impacted. In sound therapy, the music slows down the heart beat, reducing blood pressure, breathing, especially if the music has been written between 60 and 72 beats per minute. In a state of deep relaxation, the immune system kicks in and the body heals itself. When there is heart and brain coherence, the entire body moves into a state of healing. Heart and head coherence is when the rhythm of the brain and heart are aligned. Our thoughts are less frantic and our heart rate is normal and relaxed. We feel connected and at peace. Another function of sound therapy is for sleep therapy. In today’s world sleep therapy has become important. With the fast speed of life and modern stress, it is difficult to unwind at night. Sleep therapy is being able to use natural means such as deep relaxation music to entrain the body to slow down in order to sleep. There are many benefits of using music for this purpose, one being that there are no harmful side effects. Another use of the album is for study. When the body is in a relaxed state, studies show that studying is more effective, it is called a relaxed state of concentration. If the music has a warm and nurturing emotional element, it enhances study even more. When there is an emotional element, studies have shown that information is retained for longer. Sound therapy has become a very necessary tool to cope with our busy lifestyles. This is nothing new, in fact sound has been used for lifestyle and healing throughout the ages.