The Awakening CD by Desert Rose is a fresh and inspiring cross pollination of musical styles, uniquely arranged to inspire the listener to new heights. It is truly a journey of awakening. One can hear Ancient languages of Urdu, Gujurati and Arabic in this Qawali styled crossover music. Qawali is devotional singing often sung at the sacred Sufi burial sights or shrines of saints in various parts of India and Hyderabad in Pakistan. Qawali singers sometimes sing for hours on end, completely taken by spirit and love for the Divine with endless stamina. Moulana is one of the type of devotional songs sung. Moulana refers to the beloved teachers and sages that come as a light to shine the way for humanity. Spiritual ecstasy and Divine union are the aims of these devotional love songs. Desert Rose has their own unique interpretation and presentation of these love songs. They add the classical orchestral element that raises the music to epic proportions. Another extremely well know Qawali song is Allah Hoo . Allah Hoo has been done in so many unique ways and interpretations and in the case of the Awakening Cd, their version of the Sufi chant includes opening with the Adhan, the Arabic call to prayer. This is a traditional Sufi chant consisting of the word for God repeated 3 times followed by truth, Haqq. Sufi chants of this nature are referred to as the practice of Dhikr – chanting. Allah Hoo is also a popular title for Urdu-language Sufi devotional qawalis. According to the Sufi tradition, this formula was introduced by Abu Bakr as he initiated the Naqshbandi tradition. Other dhikr’s consist of simple Alla Hoo Allah Hoo run together 400 to 600 times. The cross-over interpretation by Desert Rose starting with the Adhan contributes to the large body of Qawali music available today. The album is universal and a journey of awakening for all those who immerse themselves in this Sacred Music.
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by Desert Rose
© Copyright – Desert Rose / Desert Rose (6009656492423)
The Awakening has been hailed as a fresh new sound in Sufi Music as Desert Rose, leaders in universal sacred wold music, intertwines ancient Arabic, Aramaic, Hindi, Urdu and Gujarat with Tabla, Indian harmonium, clarinet and classical orchestration.